16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris - Ditulisan sebelumnya membahas parts of speech (jenis-jeniskata), maka kali ini membahas bagaimana jenis-jenis kata itu disusun secara apik yang sesuai dengan aturan hingga menjadi sebuah kalimat bahasa inggris yang benar dan tetap.
Tenses adalah jenis kata kerja(verb) yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan waktu masa lampau(past), masa sekarang(present), dan masa yang akan mendatang(future) terjadinya suatu peristiwa/aktivitas pada saat moment of speaking atau saat pembicara sedang berbicara.
16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris
Belajar bahasa inggris sangat berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia seperti jika kita mengatakan sesuatu apakah itu sekarang, kemarin ataukah besok, saya tidurya tetap saja saya tidur. Sedangkan dalam bahasa inggris, kalau kemarin kita mengatakan slept, untuk sekarang menggunakan sleep. Karena bahasa inggris dalam membentuk kalimat memiliki aturan di mana kata kerja dapat mengalami perubahan bentuk untuk menyesuaikan waktu (time) dan kejadian/peristiwa (even), yang disebut dengan tenses.
Kita yang notabenenya bukan penutur asli bahasa inggris, apabila kita ingin mahir dalam berbahasa, maka wajib kita menguasai 5 tenses dasar seperti, simple present, simple present continuous, simple past, simple future, dan simple perfect. dengan modal 5 tenses yang kita miliki maka yakin, kita sudah mampu berbahasa inggris dengan baik dan benar. Insya Allah. Untuk menambah wawasan kita mengenai tenses maka tulisan kali ini akan menyajikan 16 macam tenses.
Berdasarkan waktu(time) dapat dibedakan menjadi 4 waktu yaitu:
- Present (masa sekarang)
- Past (masa lampau)
- Future (masa akan datang)
- Past future (dapat diistilahkan dengan, lampaunya lampau…) hehee…
- Simple (sederhana)
- Continuous (sedang berlangsung)
- Perfect (selesai)
- Perfect continuous (selesai tapi masih berlangsung)
1. Simple present
General Pattern : S + V1 s/es | Signal words | Example | |
Subject (I, They, We You) | Verb I | Usually, always, often, today, this year, every day, every week, on Mondays, on Monday… etc. Note: On Mondays, (ditambah s), diartikan setiap senin. On Monday, diartikan di hari senin. | Kejadian sekarang: I go to school today. (saya pergi ke sekolah hari ini) Kebenaran mutlak: Sun rises from the east. (Matahari terbit dari timur). Aktivitasrutin: My mother always goes to market on Sundays (ibu saya selalu pergi ke pasar setiap hari minggu) |
Subject (she, He, It) | Verb I s/es |
2. Present continuous
General Pattern: S + am/is/are + Ving | Signal words | Example | ||
I | Am | VerbI+ ing | Now, right now, at present, at the moment… etc. | Sedang berlangsung: I am reading a diary book now. (Saya sedang membaca sebuah buku diari sekarang). Rencana yang pasti dilakukan: She is going to my house this afternoon (dia akankerumah siang ini). |
She, he, It | Is | |||
You, they, we | Are |
3. Present perfect
General pattern: S + have/has + V3 | Signal words | Example | ||
I, you, they, we | Have | Verb 3 | For, already, recently, since, once, twice … etc. | They have recently finished their homework (mereka baru-baru ini menyelesaikan tugas mereka). |
She, he, it | Has |
4. Present perfect continuous
General pattern: S + Have/ has + Been + Ving | Signal words | Example | |||
I, you, they, we | Have | Been | Verb 3 | Since, for, the whole week, … etc. | Miss Warda has been teaching here since 2015. (bu warda telah mengajar di sini sejak tahun 2015.) |
She, he, It | Has |
5. Simple past
General pattern: S + V2 | Word signal | Example | |
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Verb 2 | Yesterday, last year, two days ago, etc. | She went to London two years ago. (dia pergike London dua tahun yang lalu). |
6. Past continuous
General pattern: S+Was/Were + Ving | Signal words | Example | ||
You, they, we | Were | Verb ing | Yesterday, when, while, as long as. | She came when I was eating yesterday. (dia dating ketika saya sedang makan kemarin). |
I, she, he, it | Was |
7. Past perfect
General pattern: S + Had + Verb 3 | Signal words | Example | ||
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Had | Verb 3 | Yesterday, till three days ago, before, … etc. | She had cooked rice before I came yesterday. (dia sudah memasak nasi sebelum saya dating kemarin) |
8. Past perfect continuous
General pattern: S + had + been + Ving | Signal words | Example | |||
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Had | been | Ving | For, all day, the whole day, since. | They came when we had been waiting for them for an hour yesterday. (mereka datang, ketika kami menunggunya selama satu jam kemarin). |
9. Simple future
General pattern: S + will/shall + Verb1 | Signal words | Example | ||
I, we | shall | Verb 1 | Tomorrow, next week, next time, two months later | I will go to school two hours later. (saya akan ke sekolah dua jam lagi) |
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Will |
10. Future continuous
General pattern: S + Shall/ Will +be + Ving | Signal words | Example | |||
I, we | Shall | Be | Verb + ing | At the same time tomorrow, at 6 o’clock tonight, in one year, tomorrow afternoon | I will be calling you at 8 o’clock tonight. (saya akan sedang menelponmu pada pukul 8 malam ini) |
I, you, they, we, she, it | Will |
11. Future perfect
General pattern:S +Shall/ will +have +V3 | Signal words | Example | |||
I, we | Shall | Have | Verb 3 | In a week, by next Monday, at this time next month, | At this time next month, She will have read one book. (diwaktu yang sama bulan depan, dia akan telah/selesai membaca satu buku.) |
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Will |
12. Future perfect continuous
General pattern: S+shall/will+have been Ving | Signal words | Example | ||||
I, we | Shall | Have | been | V ing | All day long, for… by, by… for | You will have been sleeping long when they get home. (kamu telah lama tidur ketika mereka pulang). |
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Will |
Past future
13. Simple past future
Pattern: S + would/should + V1 | Example | ||
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Would/ should | Verb 1 | Conditional type II: If he was a president next year, he would marry Widya. (seandainyadiasudahmenjadiseorangpresiden, diaakanmenikahiwidya) Indirect speech: She asked me if I would go home (diabertanyakepadasayaapakahsayaakanpulang) |
14. Past future continuous
Pattern: S + should/would Be + Ving | Example | |||
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Should/ would | Be | Ving | You would not be attending the lina’s wedding party if you were in here. (kamu akan sedang menghadiri pesta pernikahan lina jika kamu berada disini) Fact (fakta:) But You are not here (tapi kamu tidak ada di sini). |
15. Past future perfect
Pattern:S + Should/would Have + Been + V3 | Example | ||||
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Should/would | Have | Been | Verb 3 | If Ani had yesterday come to my house, I would have given her a flower (jika ani kemarin dating ke rumah, saya akan memberinya bunga). |
16. Past future perfect continuous
Pattern: S + Should/would + Have + been + Ving | Example | ||||
I, you, they, we, she, he, it | Should/ would | Have | Been | Ving | He would have been studying English in Brico (British Course) for 9 months. (dia akan sudah sedang belajar bahasa inggris di Brico selama Sembilan bulan). |
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